White tunic knitting

white knitted tunicIf you want to knit a tunic yourself, but you do not have much experience in knitting, then this tunic is for you! Due to the white color – it looks very festive and unusual, and also very practical, because the white color can be combined with many others, and you will not look silly at the same time, but on the contrary, you will attract the attention of others. Moreover, this model was published in one of the foreign magazines about knitting.

For knitting you need: AK YUNLU yarn, color B 0003, 7 skeins weighing 100 grams, as well as knitting needles No. 8, with which we will knit into two threads, and No. 7, we will knit them into one thread.
Front and back:
We type 48 loops on the needles with a double thread and we knit with a 1 by 1 elastic band (1 purl, 1 front) 6 centimeters. Next, we continue knitting with a faceplate of 40 centimeters, after which we move to 1 thread and type 6 loops for each sleeve. We continue to knit the sleeve with a double thread: 4 rows with an elastic band of 1 to 1. At the same time, we continue to knit the main part with the needles No. 7 with a single thread, 28 centimeters in height. Sleeve width should be 9 centimeters. For the neck leave open for 30 loops front and back.
white knitted tunic

white knitted tunic

white knitted tunic

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Добавлена: Wednesday October 2nd, 2013 Обновлена: Saturday January 11th, 2020

One thought on “White tunic knitting

  1. Узорчатая ажурная туника вяжется спицами снизу вверх в соответствии со схемой вязания. Отличный выбор на лето.

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