Chess horse – the symbol of the New Year

knitted chess knight symbol of the new yearThe horse – a symbol of the coming New Year. One of the variants of knitted – Chess horse. It can be used as a key ring or pendant in the car – a perfect gift to close people! And the main thing is that its implementation you will not spend a lot of time, as it is very easy to fit! Give a little more joy and good mood loved ones!

knitted chess knight symbol of the new year

knitted chess knight symbol of the new year knitted chess knight symbol of the new year

For knitting need: thin yarn, which is present in the composition of acrylic, wool and mohair bit as well as the hook №1.
Further description of:

knitted chess knight


Give yourself plenty of pleasant moments and family !!!

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Добавлена: Sunday November 24th, 2013 Обновлена: Tuesday February 4th, 2020

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