Stylish oversized knitted top. It is a pleasure to knit it!) And stylish holes in the style of “luxury rag” make it unique.
Stylish oversized knitted top. It is a pleasure to knit it!) And stylish holes in the style of “luxury rag” make it unique.
This chic “rhombus” pattern with openwork elements will work well for almost any knitwear. The sweater in the photo is one of the options for how to use this pattern.
There are already a lot of reviews of this yarn on the Internet. And all the reviews are quite different. Someone like Rock-N-Roll from Gazzal likes it because of its brilliance and beauty, while others criticize it for its unnatural composition. I decided to weigh all the pros and cons and draw my own conclusions.
This hat will blow your brilliance! It is especially noticeable when the sun shines brightly. In the spring, you can shine!) And at the same time – a stylish torn model. Things in this style have already been called “Laksheri torn” or “Hipster holes.”
The sweater turned out very gentle and at the same time a little crazy – due to its unusual bottom and careless holes in the canvas. On one side of the sweater there is a braid, which is wide at the bottom, and tapers towards the top. It was she who brings the spring mood. I invite everyone to tie such a sweater to yourself with the help of this detailed video of the master class.
This super volumetric cap with curlicues (braids) is knitted with needles. I really liked this pattern, and I decided to try it in a hat – I was pleased with the result! If you want the same for yourself, then join, and knit it with me on a detailed video master class!
For the first time I decided to take part in the knitting marathon, which takes place on Instagram. It consists of eight stages with tasks, in each of which you will need to knit a certain thing, take a picture of the knitting process, make the WTO and make a photo of the finished work. In the first stage, you need to tie a men’s hat.
You can knit a fashionable knitted sweater with leaves on the sleeves for yourself. And if you use this master class, you can cope much faster. In the footage I tried to explain and show everything in as much detail as possible and clearer – for this, I hope it will be useful, and you will be able to knit a sweater without problems.
Stylish and fashionable ♥ knitted sweater with pimples (knobs) knitted from mohair. To see and buy one in the store – you definitely will not succeed!) You can either knit such a pullover yourself (by looking at my master class), or order a needlewoman to tie it for you))
In this article you can watch a video review of this sweater, as well as a video master class.
Charming set for baptism, photo I saw on the Internet, and it sunk into my soul. So wanted to tie him, but could not find the reason, it seems to be no one, but the dream about him I did not leave. And now the time has come – and we have a daughter. It is clear that much of a hassle, as a small child – bottles, diapers … But between all these worries, I still found the time to dream a little)) to knit the photo, this turned out not all at once. So I decided to make a detailed step by step workshop to facilitate the robot girls who also want to tie him up. I think it would greatly facilitate your work;)